

Today we celebrate the first birthay of our L-litter : Good luck to all of you Sweeties!


A first success for our Tiffany at the Hemsbach Newfoundland Special Show : A VV1 in the puppy class!


We are extremely happy – our ‚Shalina‘ is mama again! Eight little ‚brown-bears‘ have seen the light of day on April, 22 – exactly as ‚scheduled‘ ! The two little boys and their six little sisters are already quite a handful and we look foreward to see how they will develop during the next weeks. 


We have mated ‚Dream-Bay Shalina Uut Oons Berehuus‘ to ‚Gismo Bär vom Ermstal‘!

If everything goes as planned, we are expecting little brown-bears by the end of April!

Now we keep our fingers crossed!


One year has passed like lightning - and our two babys from the K-litter can already celebrate their first birthday! All rthe best for you, Kaatje and Kalle!



The wedding of 'Shalina' and 'Brauner Schokoladenmann' was succesfull ! Around the 18th of May we are expecting healthy little brown-bear cubs! 


After a long waiting it finally happened … we travelled to Trier where Shalina met her groom, Brauner Schokoladenmann vom Flowergarden. Now we hope for healthy and spirited little ‚Brownies‘ – who should arrive sometimes in May!


During the next heat we plan to mate our Shalina with the dog

‚ Ch. Brauner Schokoladenmann vom Flowergarden‘.

From this mating we expect healthy brown puppies. More information to follow. 


Autumn was exhibition-time...

17.6. 2016

Two puppies discovering the big world

June 17th - in the meantime Maja and Kalle are nearly six weeks old. Curious to discover their small world and they roam house and garden. But when it is getting too exciting they are happy that Mom is still around...

30.5. 2016

Crawling, grubbing and gaining weight

Last Sunday, May 29, the puppies were three weeks old. Eyes and ears are open , they merrily scuttle through the garden and also the weight develops satisfactorily : Kalle weighs 3.110g and Maja 2.980 g.

We also tried the first attempts with feeding from a bowl – worked quite okay , but Mama’s milk is still preferred. 

17. 5. 2016

The little ones start growing ...

Our two little ones have already gained weight! Only 10 days old, ‚Kalle‘ weighs 1,640 g and Maja only a little less, 1,560 g.


With Maja one already can spot a glimpse of blue under the eyelids. And both of them already try to walk. Doesn’t really work yet – but just a few days of excercise and they will succeed! 

11. 5. 2016

The first pictures from our K-litter

Exactly on mothers day , 8. Mai 2016, our Shalina has become a mother and has born two puppies, a boy and a girl. The female male dog came into the world at 19:25 , the male dog only 25 minutes later. The girl had 830 g on the scales and the boy weighed 850 g. Mother and babys are well and happy. 

21. 4. 2016

Dad-to-be came for a visit

Dad-to-be Gismo came all the way from the Netherlands to visit his sweetheart. They surely are a beautiful couple. 


The wedding was a success ...

... Shalina will be mother! The delivery of the babys is expected for Mai, 7. And who do you think is more excited - Shalina or Roswitha??

28. 3. 2016

Easter promenade

Shalina and her friends (6 Newfies & Lucky) from the facebook group "Bären aus Süddeutschland - 2016" went for a little Easter promenade.

5. 3. 2016

Wedding Bells

Finally it happend : our brown bears became a pair of newly-weds!

We have mated our Dream-Bay Shalina Uut Oons Berehuus mit Int. Champion Gismo Bär vom Ermstal.

Now we keep our fingers crossed and around April, 1 we will visit the vet and have an ultrasonic.

Then we will know whether love has a happy end!


It' snowing again ...


Happy Birthday, Shalina! 

Our darling Shalina has turned two years today! We are happy and grateful to have her with us!


St. Johann, Swabian Alb 

Snow, snow , snow ... finally small, white flakes falling !!!


Visiting Nana

This afternoon we have visited Shalina's friend Nana. Was real fun and the two girls could jump and frolick about at their heart's content. And tonight Shlalina was really, really tired.


Amelie vom Ermstal 

Today Shalina had to say farewell to her foster mother. 

Unfortunately, we had to let Amelie cross the rainbow bridge.


Nana's Nürtinger Newfie-day

More than 20 Newfs and their familys from all over the southern part of Germany came together in Nürtingen - to promenade, frolick and barbeque together. Great event!


Ludwigshafen /Germany

The exhibition at Ludwigshafen was a great success! First, Ria and Jill from Holland came for a visit and finally Shalina reached a V1 in the intermediate class. What else could you want?


Großmaischeid / Germany

Today was a great day for us! Shalina passed the test for the breeding license with flying colors! On this occasion she reached a V1 in the intermediate class. The first step on the way to Champion is reached ...


Impressions with Shalina and her foster mother Amelie vom Ermstal


Jasper Bär vom Ermstal visiting

Great day, when Jasper was visiting. Finally Shalina had somebody to play with in her own size and age!


Großmaischeid Dog Show

Shalina's first long road-trip. At her first exhibition at the Großmaischeid Dog Show she reached a wonderful VV2 in the 'puppy class'. She made us proud of her!


Finally home!

Today we brought "Dream-Bay Shalina Uut Oons Berehuus" (* 21.12.2013) from the Netherlands all the long way to her new home in Bempflingen.